SPL DrumXChanger

Easy & Precise Drum Replacement Tool
Finally, a simple and safe drum replacement technology! The DrumXchanger uses SPL’s renowned Transient Designer technology for its drum sound recognition, making it the easiest and most precise drum replacement tool on the market today. DrumXchanger even faithfully recognizes the faintest ghost notes — regardless of their dynamic level.
To clearly understand the DrumXchanger’s true potential it is important to understand that it is not merely a sound replacer. It is, in fact, a powerful tool to optimize drums tracks. The processing possibilities available to improve and shape drum sounds reduce the need to replace them — thereby offering nearly limitless options for your drum mixes. In addition, the actual sound replacement can be done gradually (0 to 100 percent) in order to mix both the original and the sampled sounds.
DrumXchanger comes with a complete library of 4 full drum kits (snares, bass drums, toms).
Dual Threshold Technology
Sound replacement technologies are usually based on level recognition, so you can only set the threshold for a given level. This results in softer sounds not being recognized and overall accurate recognition impossible.
The DrumXchanger allows you to set two different thresholds: a level threshold and a transient threshold. This results in highly accurate recognition of drum hits, and super simple drum replacement.
DrumXchanger includes two Transient Designers, one for the original and one for the sampled sound so you can swiftly and accurately recognize the sound you wish to replace and process the replacement sample. Truly powerful!
The DrumXchanger Editor (included) lets you create your own multi-samples - as much as three different sound variations with eight different dynamic levels. Snare and tom samples can also include rim shot sounds.
The Analog Code
During listening tests of this technology, a hardware developer remarked that SPL had “cracked the Analog Code!” and in the process, coined the name of SPL’s software product line.
- The EASY way to replace drums.
- Load sounds from commercial libraries. Professionally recorded set samples included as well.
- Create your own multi-samples.
- Ducking function for the original signal.