Millennia NSEQ-2

Mastering Grade EQ w/ Tube and J-FET Signal Paths
Revered for its startling realism and transparent musicality, the Millennia NSEQ-2 is a go-to parametric EQ for many of the world’s leading studios and mastering houses. Its unique Twin Topology design and pure Class A transformer-less circuitry offers a simplicity which yields a powerful, sonically neutral, analog EQ.
The plugin version of the Millennia NSEQ-2 is a faithful digital model of this remarkable piece of ultra high-end hardware, brought to you by the modeling experts of Brainworx. This brings a state-of-the-art boutique EQ to your DAW.
A key to the Millennia sound is their Twin Topology™ technology that makes the NSEQ-2 like two world-class EQs in one. By faithfully emulating Millennia’s circuits, the Millennia NSEQ-2 plugin provides the sonic soul of the original.
The Millennia NSEQ-2 plugin also includes features not found in the hardware version, including M/S processing. Link mode speeds up your workflow, allowing you to adjust the left and right channels simultaneously, while the addition of an Output Trim control brings another level of usefulness to an already stellar EQ. Push the Millennia NSEQ-2 plugin’s front-end hard for a little extra color, and then back down the Output Trim so you don’t overload plugins further down your signal chain.
- High class model of the Millennia Class A Twin Topology™ (Vacuum Tube & Discrete Solid State) Parametric Equalizer.
- Fully parametric stereo EQ with unprecedented sonic purity & integrity.
- Modeled all triode 300 V vacuum tube signal path and all discrete J-FET solid state signal path, all entirely.
- transformer-less, high voltage, pure Class A.