elysia museq

THE Musical Equalizer
The elysia museq matches premium sound shaping capabilities with optimally matched parameters and the highest quality components, enabling users to find musical results quickly and easily. The five bands and their ample gain ranges add flexibly to any tracking or mixing situation.
Each of the two channels offers three parametric bands with a two-position switchable Q. The outer bands per side are low/high shelf, which can be separately switched into a low/high cut mode. In the cut mode, a resonance peak keeps the knee frequency from sounding overly damped, reminiscent of inductor circuits in classic designs.
Each of the five gain controllers per side can be altered from boost to cut with a single switch for easy location of problem frequencies and twice the number of available gain steps. Each channel has a switchable option for adding strong harmonic color of the signal, making two EQs in one. Many prefer the color setting for mix use and the clean for tracking, but as always, let your ears be your guide.
Brainworx, using advanced circuit modeling technology, captures all the color and nuance of the original in this remarkable plugin. They add powerful extras like an integrated M/S matrix for mid and side processing, the possibility to link both channels for more convenient stereo operation, and dedicated output level controllers for adapting your settings to the available headroom.
In addition to the stereo version with all the bells and whistles, a streamlined Mix version is included that lets you get great sounds in a snap.
Download a fully functional 14-day demo today. (No dongle required!) We’re confident that once you hear how sweet or surgical the museq can be, you’ll have to have it.
- 100% Discrete Class-A emulation As a true elysia specialty, the museq is completely based on discrete circuitry.
- Active bandpasses with FETs The filter stages are completely active and benefit from a puristic design approach for a truly musical EQ.
- Resonance High and Low Pass Filters The outer shelving filters can be switched into high and low pass filters, which feature.
- Parallel Filter Design A special circuit trick makes it possible to leave the high and middle frequencies completely untouched when using the high and low pass filters.